View Javadoc
1   package dev.sympho.modular_commands.impl.context;
3   import java.util.HashMap;
4   import java.util.Map;
5   import java.util.Map.Entry;
6   import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
7   import java.util.function.Function;
9   import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.FindDistinct;
10  import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.MonotonicNonNull;
11  import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull;
12  import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
13  import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
14  import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
15  import org.slf4j.Logger;
16  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
18  import dev.sympho.bot_utils.access.AccessManager;
19  import dev.sympho.bot_utils.event.AbstractRepliableContext;
20  import dev.sympho.bot_utils.event.reply.ReplyManager;
21  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Command;
22  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.Invocation;
23  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.Parameter;
24  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ArgumentParser;
25  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.AttachmentParser;
26  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.BooleanParser;
27  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.ChannelArgumentParser;
28  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.FloatParser;
29  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.IntegerParser;
30  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.InvalidArgumentException;
31  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.MessageArgumentParser;
32  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.RoleArgumentParser;
33  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.SnowflakeParser;
34  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.StringParser;
35  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.parameter.parse.UserArgumentParser;
36  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentInvalid;
37  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandFailureArgumentMissing;
38  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.CommandResult;
39  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.command.result.Results;
40  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.api.exception.ResultException;
41  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.InstrumentedContext;
42  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.LazyContext;
43  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.execute.Metrics;
44  import dev.sympho.modular_commands.utils.parse.ParseUtils;
45  import dev.sympho.reactor_utils.concurrent.ReactiveLatch;
46  import discord4j.common.util.Snowflake;
47  import discord4j.core.event.domain.Event;
48  import discord4j.core.object.entity.Attachment;
49  import discord4j.core.object.entity.Message;
50  import discord4j.core.object.entity.Role;
51  import discord4j.core.object.entity.User;
52  import;
53  import io.micrometer.observation.ObservationRegistry;
54  import reactor.core.observability.micrometer.Micrometer;
55  import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
56  import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
58  /**
59   * Base implementation for context objects.
60   *
61   * @param <A> The type that raw arguments are received in.
62   * @param <E> The event type.
63   * @version 1.0
64   * @since 1.0
65   */
66  @SuppressWarnings( "MultipleStringLiterals" )
67  abstract class ContextImpl<A extends @NonNull Object, E extends @NonNull Event> 
68          extends AbstractRepliableContext<E>
69          implements LazyContext, InstrumentedContext {
71      /** The prefix for metrics in this class. */
72      public static final String METRIC_NAME_PREFIX = "context";
73      /** The prefix for argument parsing metrics. */
74      public static final String METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_ARGUMENT = "argument";
76      /** The logger. */
77      private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ContextImpl.class );
79      /** The metric prefix for initialization. */
80      private static final String METRIC_NAME_INITIALIZE = METRIC_NAME_PREFIX, "init" );
81      /** The metric prefix for loading. */
82      private static final String METRIC_NAME_LOAD = METRIC_NAME_PREFIX, "load" );
83      /** The metric prefix for argument initialization. */
84      private static final String METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_INIT = METRIC_NAME_PREFIX, 
85              METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_ARGUMENT, "init" );
86      /** The metric prefix for parsing all arguments. */
87      private static final String METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ALL = METRIC_NAME_PREFIX, 
88              METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_ARGUMENT, "all" );
89      /** The metric prefix for parsing one argument. */
90      private static final String METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ONE = METRIC_NAME_PREFIX, 
91              METRIC_NAME_PREFIX_ARGUMENT, "one" );
93      /** The tag name for the parameter name. */
94      private static final String METRIC_TAG_PARAMETER = "parameter" );
96      /** The invoked command. */
97      protected final Command<?> command;
99      /** The invocation that triggered this context. */
100     private final Invocation invocation;
102     /** Storage for context objects. */
103     private final Map<String, @Nullable Object> context;
105     /** The parsed arguments. */
106     private @MonotonicNonNull Map<String, ? extends Argument<?>> arguments;
108     /** Marks if loaded or not. */
109     private final AtomicBoolean initialized;
111     /** Latch that marks if loading finished. */
112     private final ReactiveLatch initializeLatch;
114     /** The result of {@link #load()}. */
115     private @MonotonicNonNull Mono<CommandResult> loadResult;
117     /**
118      * Initializes a new context.
119      *
120      * @param event The event that triggered the invocation.
121      * @param invocation The invocation that triggered execution.
122      * @param command The invoked command.
123      * @param accessManager The access manager to use.
124      * @param replyManager The reply manager to use.
125      */
126     protected ContextImpl( 
127             final E event,
128             final Invocation invocation, final Command<?> command, 
129             final AccessManager accessManager, final ReplyManager replyManager
130     ) {
132         super( event, accessManager, replyManager );
134         this.command = command;
135         this.invocation = invocation;
137         this.context = new HashMap<>();
139         this.arguments = null;
141         this.initialized = new AtomicBoolean( false );
142         this.initializeLatch = new ReactiveLatch();
143         this.loadResult = null;
145     }
147     /* Argument getters */
149     /**
150      * Retrieves the string argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
151      *
152      * @param name The parameter name.
153      * @return The associated string argument. May be empty if missing.
154      * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the received argument is not a valid string.
155      */
156     @SideEffectFree
157     protected abstract Mono<String> getStringArgument( String name ) 
158             throws InvalidArgumentException;
160     /**
161      * Retrieves the boolean argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
162      *
163      * @param name The parameter name.
164      * @return The associated boolean argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
165      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
166      * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the received argument is not a valid integer.
167      */
168     @SideEffectFree
169     protected abstract Mono<Boolean> getBooleanArgument( String name ) 
170             throws InvalidArgumentException;
172     /**
173      * Retrieves the integer argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
174      *
175      * @param name The parameter name.
176      * @return The associated integer argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
177      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
178      * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the received argument is not a valid integer.
179      */
180     @SideEffectFree
181     protected abstract Mono<Long> getIntegerArgument( String name ) 
182             throws InvalidArgumentException;
184     /**
185      * Retrieves the float argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
186      *
187      * @param name The parameter name.
188      * @return The associated float argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
189      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
190      * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the received argument is not a valid float.
191      */
192     @SideEffectFree
193     protected abstract Mono<Double> getFloatArgument( String name ) 
194             throws InvalidArgumentException;
196     /**
197      * Retrieves the snowflake argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
198      *
199      * @param name The parameter name.
200      * @param type The ID type.
201      * @return The associated snowflake argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
202      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
203      * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the received argument is not a valid snowflake.
204      */
205     @SideEffectFree
206     protected abstract Mono<Snowflake> getSnowflakeArgument( String name, 
207             SnowflakeParser.Type type ) throws InvalidArgumentException;
209     /**
210      * Retrieves the user argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
211      *
212      * @param name The parameter name.
213      * @return The associated user argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
214      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
215      */
216     @SideEffectFree
217     protected abstract Mono<User> getUserArgument( String name );
219     /**
220      * Retrieves the role argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
221      *
222      * @param name The parameter name.
223      * @return The associated role argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
224      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
225      */
226     @SideEffectFree
227     protected abstract Mono<Role> getRoleArgument( String name );
229     /**
230      * Retrieves the channel argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
231      *
232      * @param <C> The channel type.
233      * @param name The parameter name.
234      * @param type The channel type.
235      * @return The associated channel argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
236      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
237      */
238     @SideEffectFree
239     protected abstract <C extends @NonNull Channel> Mono<C> getChannelArgument( String name, 
240             Class<C> type );
242     /**
243      * Retrieves the message argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
244      *
245      * @param name The parameter name.
246      * @return The associated message argument. May be empty if missing or fail with
247      *         a {@link InvalidArgumentException} if the value received is invalid.
248      * @implSpec By default, parses a string argument of the same name.
249      */
250     @SideEffectFree
251     protected Mono<Message> getMessageArgument( final String name ) {
253         return getStringArgument( name )
254                 .flatMap( raw -> ParseUtils.MESSAGE.parse( this, raw ) );
256     }
258     /**
259      * Retrieves the attachment argument associated with the parameter of the given name.
260      *
261      * @param name The parameter name.
262      * @return The associated attachment argument. May be empty if missing.
263      */
264     @SideEffectFree
265     protected abstract Mono<Attachment> getAttachmentArgument( String name );
267     /* Argument parsing */
269     /**
270      * Handles a missing argument according to the parameter specification.
271      *
272      * @param <R> The raw argument type.
273      * @param parameter The parameter whose argument is missing.
274      * @return A Mono that fails with a {@link ResultException} if the parameter is not
275      *         allowed to be missing, and is empty otherwise.
276      * @implNote The error case uses lazy instantiation. Use without 
277      *           {@link Mono#defer(java.util.function.Supplier)}.
278      */
279     @SideEffectFree
280     private <R extends @NonNull Object> Mono<R> handleMissingArgument( 
281             final Parameter<?> parameter ) {
283         if ( parameter.required() ) {
284             return Mono.error( () -> new ResultException( 
285                     new CommandFailureArgumentMissing( parameter ) 
286             ) );
287         } else {
288             return Mono.empty();
289         }
291     }
293     /**
294      * Wraps the error for an invalid parameter into a result.
295      *
296      * @param parameter The parameter.
297      * @param exception The exeception that was caused.
298      * @return The wrapped result.
299      */
300     @SideEffectFree
301     private ResultException wrapInvalidParam( final Parameter<?> parameter,
302             final InvalidArgumentException exception ) {
304         LOGGER.trace( "Invalid argument for parameter {}: {}", parameter, exception.getMessage() );
305         final var error = exception.getMessage();
306         final var result = new CommandFailureArgumentInvalid( parameter, error );
307         return new ResultException( result );
309     }
311     /**
312      * Wraps an error encountered during parameter parsing into an error result.
313      *
314      * @param parameter The parameter.
315      * @param error The error.
316      * @return The wrapped result.
317      */
318     @SideEffectFree
319     private ResultException wrapParamError( final Parameter<?> parameter, final Throwable error ) {
321         // Sanity check
322         if ( error instanceof ResultException res ) {
323             LOGGER.warn( "Result exception would be wrapped" );
324             return res;
325         }
327         LOGGER.error( "Error while parsing parameter {}: {}", parameter, error.getMessage() );
328         return new ResultException( Results.exceptionR( error ) );
330     }
332     /**
333      * Parses an argument.
334      *
335      * @param <R> The raw argument type.
336      * @param <T> The parsed argument type.
337      * @param parameter The parameter specification.
338      * @param getter The function to use to get the raw argument.
339      * @param parser The parser to use.
340      * @return A Mono that issues the parsed argument. May fail with a 
341      *         {@link ResultException} if the raw value is invalid or missing 
342      *         (and required) or if an error happened, and may be empty if no value.
343      */
344     @SideEffectFree
345     @SuppressWarnings( { "conditional", "return" } ) // Weird Optional stuff
346     private <R extends @NonNull Object, T extends @NonNull Object> Mono<T> parseArgument(
347             final Parameter<T> parameter,
348             final Function<String, Mono<R>> getter,
349             final ArgumentParser<R, T> parser 
350     ) {
352         return getter.apply( )
353                 .switchIfEmpty( handleMissingArgument( parameter ) )
354                 .map( parser::validateRaw )
355                 // Note flatMap automatically packs exceptions thrown by parse()
356                 .flatMap( raw -> parser.parse( this, raw ) )
357                 .switchIfEmpty( Mono.justOrEmpty( parameter.defaultValue() ) )
358                 .onErrorMap( InvalidArgumentException.class, 
359                         e -> wrapInvalidParam( parameter, e ) 
360                 )
361                 .onErrorMap( e -> !( e instanceof ResultException ), 
362                         e -> wrapParamError( parameter, e ) 
363                 );
365     }
367     /**
368      * Parses a channel argument.
369      *
370      * @param <C> The channel type.
371      * @param <T> The parsed argument type.
372      * @param parameter The parameter specification.
373      * @param parser The parser to use.
374      * @return A Mono that issues the parsed argument. May fail with a 
375      *         {@link ResultException} if the raw value is invalid or missing 
376      *         (and required) or if an error happened, and may be empty if no value.
377      * @apiNote Channel gets an additional wrapper in order to carry the C generic.
378      */
379     private <C extends @NonNull Channel, T extends @NonNull Object> Mono<T> parseArgument(
380             final Parameter<T> parameter,
381             final ChannelArgumentParser<C, T> parser
382     ) {
384         return parseArgument(
385                 parameter, 
386                 name -> getChannelArgument( name, parser.type() ), 
387                 parser 
388         );
390     }
392     /**
393      * Parses an argument.
394      *
395      * @param <T> The parsed argument type.
396      * @param parameter The parameter to parse.
397      * @return A Mono that issues the parsed argument. May fail with a 
398      *         {@link ResultException} if the raw value is invalid or missing 
399      *         (and required) or if an error happened, and may be empty if no value.
400      */
401     @SideEffectFree
402     @SuppressWarnings( { "JavadocMethod", "unchecked" } ) // Ignore undeclared exception
403     private <T extends @NonNull Object> Mono<T> parseArgument( final Parameter<T> parameter ) {
405         // Note: Cannot use <T> directly in the instanceof because Generics
406         // is horribly limited and can't even realize that an ArgumentParser<?, T> that is an 
407         // instance of AttachmentParser is, by definition, an instance of AttachmentParser<T> 
408         // (same for other types).
409         final var parser = parameter.parser();
410         if ( parser instanceof AttachmentParser<?> p ) {
411             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getAttachmentArgument, 
412                     ( AttachmentParser<T> ) p );
413         } else if ( parser instanceof StringParser<?> p ) {
414             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getStringArgument, ( StringParser<T> ) p );
415         } else if ( parser instanceof BooleanParser<?> p ) {
416             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getBooleanArgument, ( BooleanParser<T> ) p );
417         } else if ( parser instanceof IntegerParser<?> p ) {
418             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getIntegerArgument, ( IntegerParser<T> ) p );
419         } else if ( parser instanceof FloatParser<?> p ) {
420             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getFloatArgument, ( FloatParser<T> ) p );
421         } else if ( parser instanceof SnowflakeParser<?> p ) {
422             return parseArgument( parameter, n -> getSnowflakeArgument( n, p.type() ), 
423                     ( SnowflakeParser<T> ) p );
424         } else if ( parser instanceof UserArgumentParser<?> p ) {
425             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getUserArgument, 
426                     ( UserArgumentParser<T> ) p );
427         } else if ( parser instanceof RoleArgumentParser<?> p ) {
428             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getRoleArgument, 
429                     ( RoleArgumentParser<T> ) p );
430         } else if ( parser instanceof ChannelArgumentParser<?, ?> p ) {
431             return parseArgument( parameter, ( ChannelArgumentParser<?, T> ) p );
432         } else if ( parser instanceof MessageArgumentParser<?> p ) {
433             return parseArgument( parameter, this::getMessageArgument, 
434                     ( MessageArgumentParser<T> ) p );
435         } else { // Should never happen
436             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unrecognized parser type: " + parser.getClass() );
437         }
439     }
441     /**
442      * Processes an argument.
443      *
444      * @param <T> The parsed argument type.
445      * @param parameter The parameter specification.
446      * @return A Mono that issues the parameter name and the processed argument. May fail 
447      *         with a {@link ResultException} if the raw value is invalid or is missing 
448      *         (and is required) or if an error happened.
449      */
450     @SideEffectFree
451     @SuppressWarnings( { 
452             "return", // Bug with type inference in checker
453             "optional.parameter" // TODO: Weird interaction with generics?
454     } ) 
455     private <T extends @NonNull Object> Mono<? extends Entry<String, ? extends Argument<T>>>
456             processArgument( final Parameter<T> parameter ) {
458         return parseArgument( parameter )
459                 .singleOptional()
460                 .map( v -> new Argument<>( parameter, v.orElse( null ) ) )
461                 .map( a -> Map.entry(, a ) )
462                 .doOnError( t -> {
463                     if ( t instanceof ResultException ex ) {
464                         LOGGER.trace( "Arg processing aborted: {}", ex.getResult() );
465                     } else {
466                         LOGGER.error( "Failed to process argument", t );
467                     }
468                 } );
470     }
472     /* Initialization */
474     /**
475      * Performs any required initialization of received arguments before
476      * parsing starts.
477      *
478      * @return A mono that completes when initialization is done.
479      */
480     protected abstract Mono<Void> initArgs();
482     /* Implementations */
484     @Override
485     public String getCommandId() {
487         return;
489     }
491     @Override
492     public Invocation invocation() {
494         return invocation;
496     }
498     @Override
499     public Invocation commandInvocation() {
501         return command.invocation();
503     }
505     /**
506      * Retrieves the argument with the given name.
507      *
508      * @param name The parameter name.
509      * @return The argument.
510      * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is not yet loaded.
511      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is no parameter with the given name.
512      */
513     @Pure
514     private Argument<?> getArgument( final String name ) 
515             throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
517         if ( arguments == null ) {
518             throw new IllegalStateException( "Context not loaded yet" );
519         }
521         final var arg = arguments.get( name );
522         if ( arg == null ) {
523             throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "No parameter named '%s'", name ) );
524         } else {
525             return arg;
526         }
528     }
530     @Override
531     public <T extends @NonNull Object> @Nullable T getArgument( 
532             final String name, final Class<T> argumentType )
533             throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassCastException {
535         return getArgument( name ).getValue( argumentType );
537     }
539     @Override
540     public <T extends @NonNull Object> @Nullable T getArgument( 
541             final @FindDistinct Parameter<? extends T> parameter ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
543         final var argument = getArgument( );
544         if ( argument.parameter() == parameter ) {
545             // Type is determined by the original parameter, so if the given parameter is the
546             // same as the original parameter, the type trivially is the same
547             @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
548             final Argument<T> arg = ( Argument<T> ) argument;
549             return arg.value();
550         } else {
551             throw new IllegalArgumentException( 
552                     "Parameter does not match definition: " + parameter );
553         }
555     }
557     @Override
558     public boolean setContext( final String key, final @Nullable Object obj, 
559             final boolean replace ) {
561         if ( !replace && context.containsKey( key ) ) {
562             return false;
563         } else {
564             context.put( key, obj );
565             return true;
566         }
568     }
570     @Override
571     @SuppressWarnings( "signedness:return" )
572     public <T> @Nullable T getContext( final String key, final Class<? extends T> type )
573             throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassCastException {
575         if ( !context.containsKey( key ) ) {
576             throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( 
577                     "No context under key '%s'.", key ) );
578         }
580         return type.cast( context.get( key ) );
582     }
584     /**
585      * Performs the initialize operation.
586      *
587      * @param observations The observation registry to use.
588      */
589     private void doInitialize( final ObservationRegistry observations ) {
591         LOGGER.trace( "Initializing context" );
593         // Prepare load
594         // cache() for idempotence and to prevent cancelling
595         this.loadResult = Mono.just( observations ).flatMap( this::doLoad ).cache();
597         LOGGER.trace( "Context initialized" );
599     }
601     @Override
602     public Mono<Void> initialize( final ObservationRegistry observations ) {
604         if ( initialized.getAndSet( true ) ) {
605             return initializeLatch.await(); // Already initializing
606         }
608         LOGGER.trace( "Initializing context" );
610         // Prepare load
611         // cache() for idempotence and to prevent cancelling
612         this.loadResult = Mono.just( observations ).flatMap( this::doLoad ).cache();
614         return Mono.fromRunnable( () -> doInitialize( observations ) )
615                 .then()
616                 .doOnSuccess( v -> initializeLatch.countDown() )
617                 .doOnError( initializeLatch::fail )
618                 .doOnError( t -> LOGGER.error( "Failed to initialize", t ) )
619                 .checkpoint( METRIC_NAME_INITIALIZE )
620                 .name( METRIC_NAME_INITIALIZE )
621                 .transform( this::addTags )
622                 .tap( Micrometer.observation( observations ) )
623                 .cache(); // Prevent cancelling
625     }
627     /**
628      * Performs the {@link #load()} operation.
629      *
630      * @param observations The registry to use for observations.
631      * @return The result.
632      * @see #load()
633      */
634     @SuppressWarnings( "assignment" ) // Not detecting null type bounds for some reason
635     public Mono<CommandResult> doLoad( final ObservationRegistry observations ) {
637         LOGGER.trace( "Loading context" );
639         final var init = Mono.defer( () -> initArgs() 
640                 .checkpoint( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_INIT )
641                 .name( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_INIT )
642                 .transform( this::addTags )
643                 .tap( Micrometer.observation( observations ) )
644         );
646         final var parse = Mono.defer( () -> Flux.fromIterable( command.parameters() )
647                 .flatMap( p -> processArgument( p )
648                         .checkpoint( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ONE )
649                         .name( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ONE )
650                         .transform( this::addTags )
651                         .tag( METRIC_TAG_PARAMETER, )
652                         .tap( Micrometer.observation( observations ) )
653                 )
654                 .collectMap( Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue )
655                 .doOnNext( args -> {
656                     this.arguments = args;
657                 } )
658                 .checkpoint( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ALL )
659                 .name( METRIC_NAME_ARGUMENT_PARSE_ALL )
660                 .transform( this::addTags )
661                 .tap( Micrometer.observation( observations ) )
662         );
664         return init.then( parse )
665                 .checkpoint( METRIC_NAME_LOAD )
666                 .name( METRIC_NAME_LOAD )
667                 .transform( this::addTags )
668                 .tap( Micrometer.observation( observations ) )
669                 .doOnSuccess( v -> LOGGER.trace( "Context loaded" ) )
670                 .doOnError( t -> {
671                     if ( t instanceof ResultException ex ) {
672                         LOGGER.trace( "Load aborted: {}", ex.getResult() );
673                     } else {
674                         LOGGER.error( "Failed to load", t );
675                     }
676                 } )
677                 .then( Mono.empty().cast( CommandResult.class ) )
678                 .onErrorResume( ResultException.class, e -> Mono.just( e.getResult() ) );
680     }
682     @Override
683     public Mono<CommandResult> load() {
685         if ( loadResult == null ) {
686             throw new IllegalStateException( "Called load() before initialize()" );
687         } else {
688             return loadResult;
689         }
691     }
693     /**
694      * An argument that corresponds to one of the command's formal parameters.
695      *
696      * @param <T> The argument type.
697      * @param parameter The original parameter this corresponds to.
698      * @param value The argument value.
699      * @version 1.0
700      * @since 1.0
701      */
702     private record Argument<T extends @NonNull Object>(
703             Parameter<T> parameter,
704             @Nullable T value 
705     ) {
707         /**
708          * Retrieves the argument value.
709          *
710          * @param <E> The value type to receive as.
711          * @param argumentType The value type.
712          * @return The value.
713          * @throws ClassCastException if the value is not compatible with the given type.
714          */
715         @SuppressWarnings( "signedness:return" )
716         public <E> @Nullable E getValue( final Class<E> argumentType ) throws ClassCastException {
718             return argumentType.cast( value );
720         }
722     }
724 }